Photoshop CS5 Essential Training - в этих видео-уроках Michael Ninness демонстрирует, как создавать изображения высокого качества с фантастическими деталями в самые кратчайшие сроки, с использованием комбинации Photoshop CS5, Adobe Bridge и Camera Raw. Этот курс показывает наиболее эффективные способы для выполнения общих задач редактирования, в том числе снижение шума, восстановление теней и освещённости деталей, ретуширование и объединение нескольких изображений. По пути, автор делится секретами неразрушающего редактирования, использование и освоение Adobe Bridge, Camera Raw, слои, корректирующие слои, режимы смешивания, маски слоёв, и многое другое. Файлы упражнений включены в курс.
Темы включают:
- Автоматизируемая корректировка изображения с Camera Raw - Добавление ключевых слов, оценки, и других метаданные к изображениям - Отфильтровывание большого количества изображений "хранителям" - Обрезка, исправление перспективы, и выправление изображений - Создание, именование, сокрытие, и удаление уровней - Как сделать быстро выборы и маски - Улучшающееся качество маски с Совершенствовали Край - Методы для того, чтобы объединить повторные изображения - Неразрушающие методики редактирования с уровнями корректировки и Умные Фильтры - Ретуширование основ, таких как удаление пятен и др. - изображения исправления Цвета - Использование существенных режимов смешивания, эффекты уровня, и стили - Создание листов контактов и веб-фотогалереи
Содержание курса:
0. Introduction
- Welcome - What is Photoshop? - Using the exercise files
1. It Begins in Bridge
- What is Adobe Bridge? - Getting photos from a camera - A tour of the different workspaces in Adobe Bridge - Customizing how thumbnails are displayed - Changing obscure camera file names with the Batch Rename command - Adding basic metadata to every image with metadata templates - Creating and applying keywords to images - Viewing images in Full Screen Preview mode
2. Whittling Down to "Keepers"
- Using Review mode to filter out rejects - Protecting the keepers by saving them in collections - Rating images - Using the Filter panel to view different subsets - Viewing final choices in a slideshow - Organizing groups of images into stacks
3. Camera Raw Essentials
- Raw vs. JPEG files - Why you should start in Camera Raw instead of Photoshop - A tour of the Camera Raw user interface - Previewing before and after adjustments - Toggling onscreen Shadow/Highlight clipping warnings - Choosing output settings - Saving a copy without going to Photoshop
4. Fixing Common Problems Quickly with Camera Raw
- Eliminating red-eye with the Red Eye Removal tool - Improving composition with the non-destructive Crop tool - Correcting a rotated horizon line with the Straighten tool - Fixing color casts with the White Balance tool - Fixing blown-out highlights with Recovery - Revealing hidden shadow detail with Fill Light - Reducing distracting color noise with Noise Reduction - Removing color fringes with Chromatic Aberration - Sharpening the details - End to end: Taking a so-so photo and making it great
5. Retouching and Using Creative Techniques with Camera Raw
- Fixing blown-out skies with the Graduated Filter tool - Retouching blemishes with the Spot Removal tool - Making local adjustments with the Adjustments Brush - Quick portrait retouching technique using Clarity - Converting to black and white - Editing images directly with the Targeted Adjustments tool - Easy sepia and split tone effects - Adding digital film grain texture effects - Adding vignettes and border effects - Saving variations within a single file with Snapshots
6. Automating Camera Raw
- Copying settings from one file and pasting across another in Adobe Bridge - Processing multiple files in Camera Raw - Saving and using a library of Camera Raw presets - Using Image Processor to batch process multiple files
7. Photoshop Interface Essentials
- Opening files from Adobe Bridge - Opening files from Mini Bridge - Customizing the Mini Bridge panel - Changing Mini Bridge so it auto-collapses - The Application frame - The Application bar - Switching and saving workspaces - Panel management - Switching tools using the keyboard - Customizing the keyboard shortcuts
8. Documents and Navigation
- Tabbed documents - The Arrange Documents widget - How to stop Photoshop from tabbing documents - Pan and zoom - Cycling through the different screen modes
9. Digital Image Essentials
File formats What resolution does your image need to be? Resize vs. Resample How big a print can you make with your image?
10. Cropping and Transformations
- Crop options - Hide vs. Delete for the Crop tool - Bringing back hidden pixels with Reveal All - Making the canvas bigger with the Crop tool - Making the canvas bigger by a specific amount with Relative Canvas Size - Correcting perspective with the Crop tool - Straightening a crooked image - Scaling, skewing, and rotating with Free Transform - Nondestructive transformations with Smart Objects - Warping images - Preserving the important elements with Content-Aware Scaling
11. Working with Layers
- The Background layer - Using a layer mask instead of deleting pixels - Loading multiple images into a single Photoshop document as layers - Naming, hiding, creating, and deleting layers - Changing the stacking order of layers - Selecting layers without using the Layers panel - Transforming layers - Aligning and distributing layers - Changing the opacity of layers - Organizing layers into groups - Saving variations with layer comps - When to merge and rasterize layers - Flatten vs. Save As (a Copy)
12. Selections and Layer Masks
- Using the Marquee and Lasso tools - Transform selections - Quick Mask is your friend - Converting a selection into a layer mask - Using the Quick Selection tool - Re-selecting a previous selection - Improving a selection with Refine Edge - Touching up a layer mask with the Brush tool - Changing the opacity, size, and hardness of the painting tools - Blending images with a gradient layer mask - Swapping heads in a family portrait - Combining multiple exposures with the Blend If sliders - Replacing the sky in an image
13. Tone and Color Correction with Adjustment Layers
- Introducing adjustment layers - Starting with a preset - Improving tonal quality with Levels - Increasing midtone contrast with Curves - Removing a color cast with Auto Color - Changing the color temperature with Photo Filter - Shifting colors with Hue/Saturation - Making washed out colors pop with Vibrance - Converting color to black and white - Controlling which layers are affected by an Adjustment Layer
14. Additional Options for Tone and Color Correction
- Shadow/Highlight - Matching color across multiple images
15. Retouching Essentials
- Removing blemishes with the Spot Healing brush - Quick technique for smoothing skin and pores - Taming flyaway hair - Making teeth bright and white - De-emphasizing wrinkles - Removing unwanted details with Content Aware Fill - Body sculpting with Liquify
16. Combining Multiple Images
- Creating panoramas with Photomerge and Auto-Blend - Combining multiple frames of an action sequence - Combining group shots with Auto-Align
17. Essential Filters
- Overview of filters - Applying filters nondestructively with Smart Filters - Giving an image a soft glow with the Gaussian Blur filter - Adding noise to an image with the Add Noise filter - Sharpening an image with Unsharp Mask - Giving an image more texture with the Texturizer - Applying a filter to multiple layers
18. Essential Blend Modes
- Cycling through the blending modes - Three blending modes you must know - Adding a lens flare effect with Screen - Making a cast shadow more realistic with Multiply - Creating a diffused contrast glow effect with Overlay - Sharpening an image with High Pass and Overlay
19. Type Essentials
- Character (point) type - Paragraph (area) type - Type on a path - Clipping an image inside type - Warping type
20. Essential Layer Effects and Styles
- Adding a drop shadow effect - Adding an outer glow effect - Adding a border around an image - Copying layer effects and applying them to other layers - Saving layer styles and applying them in other documents - How (and when) to scale layer effects
21. Sharing Images
- Creating PDF contact sheets - Exporting web photo galleries - Saving for the web
22. Conclusion
- Goodbye
Год выпуска: 2010 Производитель: Автор: Michael Ninness Язык: Английский Продолжительность: 11:15:00 Видео: AVC 960x600 15fps ~200Kbps Аудио: AAC 48kHz 2ch 128Kbps Файлы примеров: присутствуют Размер: 1,85 Гб